
We all came from different parts of the world. All of us have colorful history, but even if you think you don't; you or someone in your family most likely does.
I want to share some interesting moments from my life. This will include: growing up in the communist country, leaving my home country of Poland, and coming to the United States. Meeting my wife and starting a family. Converting to the LDS church and starting my own business.

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Being True

It's interesting to note that while growing up in Poland we couldn't really mention “God” in public. It was acceptable at the churches and around the Holidays like Christmas, Easter and 3 Kings. For most of the year it was discouraged, by teachers and your neighbors.
I was very much a child of a communist system, because I didn't really believed in God due to the surroundings and emphasis on the power of the government. I did question however in my mind the legitimacy of that ideology.
America was always a beacon of hope for many Polish people and for those around the world who desire freedom and love expressing their love to God, and worship as they wish.
After finding mine true path to my God and relying on the power of the Holy Spirit. I started to see that my America covered that beacon of hope and pushed God away.
I see that our Father in Heaven is trying to wake us and giving us warnings, but we keep saying that we are good. That we need to be more conscientious of our planet. I believe that our planet Earth is a life and we should be good to it. But I also believe that the scriptures are true and our Father in Heaven is using the power of Earth to shake and wake us. Bruce R. McConkie in The Millennial Messiah. Pg. 449 - Pg. 450 said this;
"The very fact that men refuse to believe the many signs of the times is itself one of the signs promised to precede the advent of our Lord. ….. And how many there are, like the Jews of old, who fail to discern the signs of the times!…..as it was in the days of Noah, so it shall be also at the coming of the Son of Man "
You have to be blind not to see that we are living in time of secret combinations, greed, envy, hunger for power and so many more. The most important thing is not to loose focus and remember who is in control. Neal A. Maxwell. For the Power is in Them. p.20 said best;
"Our task is to react and to notice without overreacting, to let life go forward without slipping into the heedlessness of those in the days of Noah. ….. To ponder signs without becoming paranoid, to be aware without frantically matching current events with expectations, using energy that should be spent in other ways--these are our tasks."
Even though I know all that, it is sad how much America is loosing of that glow. How much our government is turning away from the principles we treasured for so long. Both parties are guilty and so are we. For letting things slide, because we didn't care to be involved. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Can we change?

Oh my sweet America, America. I am fearful for you. We so neglected you.
The Almighty God is giving us warnings and we still ignore them and count on our own strength. We think, we are better without God, but we are becoming darker and unprotected.
We give power to those who reject the constitution, which was inspired for the benefit of free man.
Do we have a chance to become great and God fearing nation?
I think we can very much become that nation again, but we must be willing to turn away from the entitlements and we must know the constitution for us to have a chance.
Will it happen?  

Monday, March 25, 2013

Happy Easter

I am striving to be the best man, husband, father and a chef for this valley. No matter how hard I try I always fall short, but that’s where our Savior comes in. I am grateful for Him, for his Love for me.
We are approaching Easter and I feel humble and touched by His grace. Without the knowledge which I have of the meaning of Easter I would walk with my head down feeling sorry for myself. I am happy that little me is important enough to my Father in Heaven for Him to send His only Begotten Son, to save me and give me a chance of eternal life. 
May we All find joy in this Easter and find happiness in what we have and what we can become.
Happy Easter!

Monday, February 25, 2013

$9 minimum wage

My business’s name is Sweetly Divine, and just like many businesses in America, we hire people to help us get the product to the public. We are a small business and we are always looking to get the best price for our customers.  We understand that the pay we offer is not a salary you can build your life on, but rather is a transitional job, where mostly college kids will work or someone who is going through some hard times.
We currently have three employees, and if I would be forced to raise the minimum wage to $9 I would have to lay off two of them and work additional hours myself. This would slow the growth of my business.
When the business grows and I am able to pay people more, I do so according to their skills and desire to work.
Over the years I have had many employees. At one point I had nine people working for me. One employee started as a dishwasher, but was able to advance to a manager. The business grew and increased in sales, and it was exciting to be able to provide my employees the opportunity to advance in the company. Not only was I able to help the community by providing jobs, but I was able to spend quality time with my own family. However, because of the economy's downfall, I was forced to lay off many people. Now I work 16 or more hours a day, and don't get as much time with my family as I would like. If the wage were to increase to $9 an hour, I would be left with no other option than to lay off the few employees I do have. I wouldn't feel like I was benefitting the community, because I would not be able to provide employment.  I want to provide jobs. I want to be a source of hope for high school and college students, those temporarily unemployed, and anyone else who needs a job. But if the pay were to increase, there's no way I could provide that. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Oh, you don't want to be bother?

What happened to us? When you speak for the constitution, you're considered a radical and an aggressive person. For decades the leaders of LDS church encourage members to learn the constitution, so when a bills come to a vote, we would recognize the ones which are unconstitutional. 
I see So many people just want to be left alone and don't care what is happening. We are a sleep as a nation. I am afraid that when most people wake up it may be too late to turn around. Sigh...