
We all came from different parts of the world. All of us have colorful history, but even if you think you don't; you or someone in your family most likely does.
I want to share some interesting moments from my life. This will include: growing up in the communist country, leaving my home country of Poland, and coming to the United States. Meeting my wife and starting a family. Converting to the LDS church and starting my own business.

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Can we change?

Oh my sweet America, America. I am fearful for you. We so neglected you.
The Almighty God is giving us warnings and we still ignore them and count on our own strength. We think, we are better without God, but we are becoming darker and unprotected.
We give power to those who reject the constitution, which was inspired for the benefit of free man.
Do we have a chance to become great and God fearing nation?
I think we can very much become that nation again, but we must be willing to turn away from the entitlements and we must know the constitution for us to have a chance.
Will it happen?