
We all came from different parts of the world. All of us have colorful history, but even if you think you don't; you or someone in your family most likely does.
I want to share some interesting moments from my life. This will include: growing up in the communist country, leaving my home country of Poland, and coming to the United States. Meeting my wife and starting a family. Converting to the LDS church and starting my own business.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Goodness is the answer

We are all longing for a better future, but what I see in the many cities of America right now, it’s not the way to make it better. This walk on “wall street” we see popping everywhere and so many in media calling this a good and civil movement with comparing this to “tea party”, is simply ridiculous. Believe me when I say this to you, I have seen those movements and it never ends well.
                The only way to do it right is to be good to yourself, your family and your neighbors. Corruption will always be all around us, but if we stand strong with those who are of the same moral views, we will be okay. I see greed, and envy not only in some rich man, but so much more in those who have less. Having money was never wrong, but loving money more than your neighbor turns you to that man you hate watching on TV, doing #2 on police car and talking about killing the rich man and using him as a communion. What is happening to us?

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