
We all came from different parts of the world. All of us have colorful history, but even if you think you don't; you or someone in your family most likely does.
I want to share some interesting moments from my life. This will include: growing up in the communist country, leaving my home country of Poland, and coming to the United States. Meeting my wife and starting a family. Converting to the LDS church and starting my own business.

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Monday, November 12, 2012


Thanksgiving is just one week away and I guess I should say what I am grateful for. Its not easy to list all the things, because it would be ridiculously long list. When I think of what is the closest to my heart, its lot easier to narrow it down to few of many.
I work many hours in my business and it is not that I want to do that rather, I must do it. I must say that I am grateful for my family, which I long for everyday when I'm at work. I pray that I may be busy enough to be able to hire more people so I could spend more time with them. Life is hard, but I am grateful for the life I have. Seeing my children grow and seeing them grow with the gospel of Jesus Christ is the best joy I could ask for.
My sweet wife, which has to put up with me and my crying over things. She is the engine of my heart. I do everything in life because of her. I wish I could have finances to help her with her health, which stresses her and me. Without insurance, which I can't effort, not much I can do. She suffers from IC and so far, there is no cure for that problem. Its hard to be intimate when you are in pain. And in pain she is a lot.
My two oldest boys are on the mission, and it's hard for me sometimes. I feel like I was left behind and they moved forward. I feel like that, because we played all the time with each other. We played computer games with headsets. We talked to each other about life, religion, politics pretty much everything. Now I don't have that connection with them. Things probably would not be so hard sometimes if I would have some close friend (guy) besides my wife to be able to talk to. I have a lot of good friends, but not a “buddy”. I’m not complaining, because I know that to every relationship, you have to put time and effort, which time I don’t have. I did click with 2 friends, but one is just a little old and we cant go biking :).
I am so happy to live in Cache Valley. Being so close to the Temple and with people of the same values, makes life a lot better and happier place to be.
So to finish this, I am definitely a family guy. I live for them, and I am grateful for them. Thanksgiving will be a great day, but only if I want it to be.