
We all came from different parts of the world. All of us have colorful history, but even if you think you don't; you or someone in your family most likely does.
I want to share some interesting moments from my life. This will include: growing up in the communist country, leaving my home country of Poland, and coming to the United States. Meeting my wife and starting a family. Converting to the LDS church and starting my own business.

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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thinner than a thread

I am blown away with the situation of our country and with the ignorance of people. I can't believe that we have a President of the United States, which openly declares that he is going to do whatever he thinks is right to push forward his agenda and making Congress irrelevant if they wont give him what he wants. While he is declaring that, so many applause with the support to that idea.
Our founding-fathers put safety mechanism to prevent any man to have more power and become a dictator. What President Obama is doing is against the law and I wish people would see that. We must stop looking at “D” and “R” in front of the name and look at the person itself. We need God fearing leaders who promised to uphold the law and the constitution. There is only a handful in Washington DC with the integrity. It is scary how fast downward we are sliding. And to think that we use to (not that long ago) be a country everyone aspire to be.