
We all came from different parts of the world. All of us have colorful history, but even if you think you don't; you or someone in your family most likely does.
I want to share some interesting moments from my life. This will include: growing up in the communist country, leaving my home country of Poland, and coming to the United States. Meeting my wife and starting a family. Converting to the LDS church and starting my own business.

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Monday, November 12, 2012


Thanksgiving is just one week away and I guess I should say what I am grateful for. Its not easy to list all the things, because it would be ridiculously long list. When I think of what is the closest to my heart, its lot easier to narrow it down to few of many.
I work many hours in my business and it is not that I want to do that rather, I must do it. I must say that I am grateful for my family, which I long for everyday when I'm at work. I pray that I may be busy enough to be able to hire more people so I could spend more time with them. Life is hard, but I am grateful for the life I have. Seeing my children grow and seeing them grow with the gospel of Jesus Christ is the best joy I could ask for.
My sweet wife, which has to put up with me and my crying over things. She is the engine of my heart. I do everything in life because of her. I wish I could have finances to help her with her health, which stresses her and me. Without insurance, which I can't effort, not much I can do. She suffers from IC and so far, there is no cure for that problem. Its hard to be intimate when you are in pain. And in pain she is a lot.
My two oldest boys are on the mission, and it's hard for me sometimes. I feel like I was left behind and they moved forward. I feel like that, because we played all the time with each other. We played computer games with headsets. We talked to each other about life, religion, politics pretty much everything. Now I don't have that connection with them. Things probably would not be so hard sometimes if I would have some close friend (guy) besides my wife to be able to talk to. I have a lot of good friends, but not a “buddy”. I’m not complaining, because I know that to every relationship, you have to put time and effort, which time I don’t have. I did click with 2 friends, but one is just a little old and we cant go biking :).
I am so happy to live in Cache Valley. Being so close to the Temple and with people of the same values, makes life a lot better and happier place to be.
So to finish this, I am definitely a family guy. I live for them, and I am grateful for them. Thanksgiving will be a great day, but only if I want it to be.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We must be good

I truly believe that Obama administration will be looked upon as the most dishonest and the most corrupted one in the history of United States. It is sad to me that so many people are blinded by the big “D” in front of our president and so many in Washington. The biggest divider we currently having is the political parties. The only way we can survive as a strong and united country is, by really studying the issues and vote on the principals and values. I see less people standing for the judeo-christian believes in this country. We are a special country, and I hope that we can keep her for what she was set up to be. We are increasing in a mentality of entitlement. Full of envy and jealousy.
We have to stay together and pray for good people to be good. I saw this quote somewhere - “For evil to succeed is, for good man to do nothing”

Saturday, October 6, 2012


First Session of the General Conference down and what a session it was. I was at work when President Monson made the announcement on new age for the missionaries. I was overwhelmed with the emotions. What a great time we are living in. I believe that we will have a very nice increase of the new missionaries real soon. Especially the young women.

Monday, September 24, 2012


I'm hopping that I am wrong on this, but I get a lot of price updates from my vendors. Things just don't match what I hear on the news. Things I believe, will get very expensive. Election is coming and I believe that it will be very hard for us and it really doesn't meter who is in the office at first, but it truly meters who we elect to the office for a long term. I don't want to see us following in the steps of Europe, because I came here from there and know that socialism just don't work. Very frightening think is that so many people I come across, thinks that’s a great way to be. I never thought that I would see in my life such a great increase in corruption on all levels of private and government sector. So much jealousy and envy. Everything what can destroy a country in half, we are having right in front of our eyes. We need to have a leader who is a God fearing man, and who will deal honestly with the fellow man. On top of that, we must do the same thing.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Having your own business can be rewarding but most often very stressful. In my profession I find that it is mostly stressful especially with this economy. My wife sometimes wants to get a job and help financially, but we both felt in the past that my wife should stay home and attend to the needs of our children. My beliefes are, that I will do everything I absolutely can to make sure that she wont have to work. Unless I am unable to work and provide for the needs of my family, its my duty and responsibility to do everything I can. I want my wife to do what makes her happy and not to have to do my work when I still can. I love my wife and my children and I hope that my boys will take care of their spouses and treat them as a princesses, once they are married :)
I understand that everyone is in the different situation or financial circumstances, and you shouldn’t have to feel in anyway obligated to emulate what I do. This is what works for me, but it may not work for you.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Chick-fil-a is directly across from me in the parking lot. And I compete with them. For although I do sell jellies - I also have a store front that sells pastries, sandwiches, salads, and soups. And although we (Sweetly Divine) compete for the same customers; we still support them. I expressed my support for Chick-fil-a yesterday, and that support started a fire-storm on my facebook page. I have lost some customers and I'm always sad to see people leave. But despite what happens, I cannot sit down and not support Chick-fil-a; if I sit down, how could I ever expect someone to stand up for me? Or stand up for what I know is right? For supporting Chick-fil-a I was called a "bigot" I had my integrity insulted, and slandered by my customers. And although the billows of hate stoke the fires of intolerance, I will withstand the heat - for it will forge my values into a shining symbol for all to see. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Trusting and listening to the Holy Spirit

I don't know what the future will bring, but I know that if I put entire trust in the Lord, things will be all right. In December I got the answer that by April I will know the direction of my life and the business. April did come and so was the clear answer I was promised. I shared only with few of you, but I want to testify to the rest of you that I know where I'm going. 
I would be lost without the guidance of the Holy Spirit and I am so grateful for the promptings of that Spirit. I will live my life the way I must to keep that compass by my side.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Most of us think that we have friends, but in reality we have friendly acquaintances. When you start getting cold shoulder and words do not match their actions. And you are only a friend at the time of their convenience. You know that its time to move on. Treasure the ones you have, because those are the ones which will never gave up on you and will be with you through good, sad and lonely.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Building Faith

I made a promise in December (and it was not a new year resolution) to the Lord to do some things, to get my self in better situation to be able to hear the promptings more. One of those promises is to finish reading the Book of Mormon in a month. I am trying to act on even the smallest promptings of them all. I am sure that once I train myself to hear and act upon them. That the Lord will not hesitate to give me more of them. I can already see the difference in my life and in the spiritual growth I have been experiencing. I do not want to stop, because I haven't felt so surrounded by love and having so much peace, in a long time. All my worries and stress are all gone. I am sure that financial dilemma over business will not go away quite yet, but I am at peace and I know that  Father in Heaven is watching over me and I will let him direct me and guide me more. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I think its interesting to note that Astronomers allover the world started to count how many planets we have in our galaxy. They are still counting, but conservative estimate by astronomers shows that there are 1.6 planets for every star. “We‘re finding an exciting potpourri of things we didn’t even think could exist,” said Harvard University astronomer Lisa Kaltenegger, including planets that mirror “Star Wars” Luke Skywalker’s home planet with twin suns.
We‘re awash in planets where 17 years ago astronomers weren’t even sure there were planets” outside our solar system. Can't wait for a time when we can go exploring all those cool planets, but we may have to wait for our Savior to come first. :)
 Popular Science reports one expert not involved in the study as saying there could be even more:
“Planets are like bunnies; you don’t just get one, you get a bunch,” said Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute who was not involved in this research. “So really, the number of planets in the Milky Way is probably like five or 10 times the number of stars. That’s something like a trillion planets.”   

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Change in Life

The last 3 ½ years, because of the recession were very hard for my business and me. The recession hit me hard and I am trying to do everything I absolutely can to keep my head above the water. It’s not easy task, especially when all your savings are depleted.
For the last 2 years I had the answer to my prayers that everything will be ok. Of course I cannot see what the Lord has in plan for my family, business and me. I know that whatever it will be, it will be ok, even if I won’t have my business anymore. The Lord sees things in the bigger picture.
Two weeks ago a small whisper told me that by April I will know of the direction I will be taking. In April my lease is over and I am sadden because I pay almost 3600$ per month for the location I am in. The landlord knows of my situation, but he is not willing to lower enough for me to stay in business. So April will be a very interesting month.
I Love what I do, but if by any chance I will no longer have my business, I am not sure what I will do to support my family. One thing I am grateful for is the knowledge I have of infinite love of my Father in Heaven for me. He is guiding and protecting me. He wants me to be happy. I will put my trust in Him and let Him direct my life just a little bit more.