
We all came from different parts of the world. All of us have colorful history, but even if you think you don't; you or someone in your family most likely does.
I want to share some interesting moments from my life. This will include: growing up in the communist country, leaving my home country of Poland, and coming to the United States. Meeting my wife and starting a family. Converting to the LDS church and starting my own business.

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

World War 3 ?

More than 50% of Americans thinks that cold war is coming, but I believe and feel that actually world war 3 is at our door steps. Its not something I want or desire, but the writing is on the wall and we can't be ignorant to that. The world is in commotion and it wont stop until our Savior will come and stop the war once and for all. And I am not saying that Jesus is coming tomorrow or next year. Before He will come, we will go through a lot of hardships, a lot. Depravity is on a rise globally. United States is not immune to chaos which is raging allover the world. We are just a little bit behind the wave. When it comes it will be more bloody and scary that what we currently see on TV in other parts of the world.
The only safety we can find is at home and for me, since I am Mormon, at the Temple as well. I am doing everything I can to make sure my family, we're living in the harmony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am really not sure if I could get peace of mind without my faith in Father in Heaven and his Son Jesus Christ.